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发布日期:2024-02-28   浏览次数:

永锋 ,男,江苏盐城人,教授,硕士生导师。20056月在苏州大学信息光学工程研究所获光学工程硕士学位,201312月在best365英国体育在线机械工程学院获博士学位,2005年至今在best365英国体育在线机械工程学院任教,主讲本科生《电磁场与电磁波》、《集成光电子学》、《光电子技术》、《导波光学》、《光电子器件制备与测试技术实验》和研究生《高等光学》等课程。近年来以第一/通信作者先后在SCIEI等源刊公开发表论文40余篇,第一发明人申请发明专利14件,授权8件,专利成果转化4件,主持在研省部级项目两项,与结题国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题项目一项,国家自然科学基金项目6省部级项目3,主持结题市厅级项目4,横向课题项目2项。2013年获镇江市科技论文一等奖,2015201820222023年获best365英国体育在线优秀学业导师称号,2022年获第三届best365英国体育在线十佳优秀研究生导师称号。指导研究生获江苏省优秀硕士论文2和best365英国体育在线优秀硕士学位论文42人获研究生国家奖学金,5名毕业硕士生分别在上海交通大学、南京大学(2人)、北京理工大学、天津大学攻读博士学位,受邀Advanced Photonics NexusOptics LettersAdvanced Quantum TechnologiesPhysical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsJournal of Applied PhysicsOptics communicationsPhotonic network communicationPhysica B: Physics of Condensed MatterInternational Journal of Physics Research and ApplicationsJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter20多个国际期刊审稿人。目前,主要从事拓扑光学、超材料、光子晶体理论及应用、光通信器件设计与制备技术、成像光学和非成像明光学等方向的研究。


1. Yong-Feng Gao*, Yi-Han He, Yue Li, Subinuer Rouzi, Meng-Cheng Jin, Yun He, Shu-Yang Zhou. Topological Waveguide-Cavity Coupling System Based on Valley Photonic Crystals[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2024, 175110799SCI, 二区, IF 5.0Top期刊)

2. Yong-Feng Gao*, Shu-Yang Zhou, Yue Li, Ji-Ning Pan, Yue He, Ming Yang, Ming-Yang Sun. All-Optical Logic Gates Based on Topological Edge and Corner States in Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals with Square Dielectric Columns[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 20245713135305.SCI, 三区, IF 3.4)

3. Yong-Feng Gao*, Yue He, Jing-Qi Si, Subinuer Rouzi, Meng-Cheng Jin, Yi-Han He, Ming Yang. Waveguide-cavity Coupling System based on Topological Edge States and Corner States in Kagome Photonic Crystals[J]. Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2023, 2300265SCI, 二区, IF 4.4)

4. Yong-Feng Gao*, Xiao-Fei Qi, Zhi-Guo Yan, Subinuer Rouzi, Yue He, Yi-Han He, Ming-Yang Sun. Coupled waveguide-cavity system based on higher-order topological states in square lattice photonic crystals[J]. Applied Physics B, 2023, 129:156.SCI, , IF 2.1)

5. Yong-Feng Gao*  Yi-Han He  Ayijiamal Maimaiti  Meng-Cheng Jin  Yue He  Xiao-Fei Qi. Manipulation of coupling between topological edge state and corner state in photonic crystals[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2022, 155:108387.SCI二区, IF 5.0Top期刊)

6. Yongfeng Gao*, He Song, Jieshuai Geng, Mengcheng Jin, Ming-Yang Chen, JiaPing Sun, and Zhen Jiang. Y-shaped beam splitter with topologically protected defect waveguide[J].Optical Engineering, 2021, 60(5):057105. (SCI, IF 1.084

7. Yong-Feng Gao*, Meng-Cheng Jin, Qiang Zhou, Qi-chao Hou, Jia-Ping Sun, Zhen Jiang, He Song, Shen, Bo-Wen. Non-spin-mixing defect modes in the split-ring dielectric photonic crystals[J]. Optics Communications, 2021, 492:126963. (SCI, , IF 2.13

8. Yongfeng Gao; Jia-Ping Sun; Nan Xu; Zhen Jiang; Qi-Chao Hou; He Song; Meng-Cheng Jin; Chao Zhang. Manipulation of topological beam splitter based on honeycomb photonic crystals[J]. Optics Communications,2021, 483:126646.SCI, , IF 2.13

9. Yong-feng Gao*, Zhen Jiang, Shen-yi Liu, Quan-long Ma, Jia-ping Sun, He Song, Mehdi Zamani. Topologically protected defect modes in all-dielectric photonic crystals[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53(36):365104. (SCI, , IF 3.4)

10. Y Gao*, L He, X Xu, J Sun, Z Jiang, W Bai. Achievement of unidirectional air waveguide with extra-broad operation bandwidth in magneto-optical photonic crystals with a triangle lattice[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, 496: 165921. (SCI, 二区, IF 2.83)

11. Y Gao*, L He, Z Jiang, JP Sun, QL Ma. Unidirectional helical edge states for all-dielectric topological photonic crystals[J]. Photonic network communication, 2020, 39(2):135-142. (SCI, 四区, IF 1.38)

12. Y Gao*, L He, Z Jiang. Investigation of coupling effect between a unidirectional air waveguide and two cavities with one-way rotating state[J]. Optica Applicata, 2020,50(1):49-59. (SCI, 四区, IF 1.09)

13. Y Gao*, L Wang, Y Feng, L He, Q Wang. Transmission Properties of One-Dimensional Magneto-Optical Photonic Crystals Containing Graphene Nanolayers[J]. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2019, 32(4): 1049-1055. SCI, 四区, IF 1.12)

14. Y Gao*, Z Jiang, LL Zhang, L HeJian Zhao. Unidirectional propagation of coupled edge states in sandwich topological photonic crystals[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124(21): 213107.封面论文,SCI, 三区, IF 2.33

15. Y Gao, Y Feng, L Zhou, L Petti, Z Wang, J Zhou*, S Xie, J Chen, Y Qing. Ultrasensitive SERS-Based Immunoassay of Tumor Marker in Serum Using Au–Ag Alloy Nanoparticles and Ag/AgBr Hybrid Nanostructure[J]. Nano, 2018, 13(01): 1850001-1-12.SCI, 四区, IF 1.06)

16. Y Gao*, M Zhou, W Zhang. Novel dispersion properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals containing a defect made of twin prisms[J]. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2012, 33(3): 211-216. (SCI四区, IF 0.74)

17. Gao Yongfeng, Zhao Qionghua, Xu Xiaofang, Ren Naifei, Zhou Ming, Zhang Dingyue. Research on Reflection Properties of Silicon Based Solar Cells with Parabolic Cone Array Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2015, 42(8):0808004.

18. Yong-Feng Gao*, Ming Yang, Meng-Cheng Jin, Yue He, Shu-Yang Zhou, Yi-Han He. Manipulation of Coupling between Topological Edge State and Dual-band Corner States in Second-Order Photonic Crystals[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, Under Review, 2024

19. Yong-Feng Gao*, Ming YangMeng-Cheng Jin, Yue He, Shu-Yang Zhou, Yi-Han He, Yun Zhang. Topological Coupled Waveguide-cavity System Based on Alternate Arrangement of Photonic Crystals [J]. Advanced Quantum Technologies, Under Review, 2023

20. Yong-Feng Gao*, Yue He, Subinuer Rouzi, Yi-Han He, Ming Yang, Qi-Chao Hou. Multifunctional Coupling Systems of Topological Edge Waveguide and Corner State Cavity based on Honeycomb Photonic Crystals[J]. Optics Express, 2024Under Review,

21. Meng-Cheng Jin, Yong-Feng Gao*, Hao-Zhe Lin, Yi-Han He, Ming-Yang Chen. Corner states in second-order two-dimensional topological photonic crystals with reversed materials[J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2022,106:013510.SCI二区, IF 2.93Nature Index期刊)

22. L He, Y Gao*, Z Jiang, L Wang, J Zhou, X Xu. A unidirectional air waveguide basing on coupling of two self-guiding edge modes[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2018, 108: 265-272. SCI, 二区, IF5.0Top期刊)

23. Z Jiang, Y Gao*, L He, J Sun, H Song. Manipulation of pseudo-spin guiding and flat bands for topological edge states[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21(21): 11367-11375. (SCI二区, IF 3.69)

24. Z Jiang, Y Gao*, L He, H Song, J Zhou, R Zhu. Helical edge states of topological photonic crystals with line defects[J]. Applied optics, 2019, 58(9): 2294-2299.(SCI, 三区, IF 2.15)

25. Meng-Cheng Jin, Yong-Feng Gao*,Quan-Long Ma,Wei Zhang, He Song, Jia-Ping Sun, Zhen Jiang. Regularly multiple double Dirac cones in photonic bands and topological transitions of all-dielectric photonic crystals[J]. Physical Review Materials, 2021,5(2):024204. (SCI, 二区, IF 3.34)

26. Yi-Han He  Yong-Feng Gao*  Hao-zhe Lin  Meng-Cheng Jin  Yue He  Xiao-Fei Qi. Topological edge and corner states based on the transformation and combination of photonic crystals with square lattice[J]. Optics Communications, 2022, 512:128038. (SCI, 三区, IF 2.13

27. Meng-Cheng Jin, Yong-Feng Gao*, Guang-Yao Huang, Yi-Han He, Jia-Ping Sun, He Song. Manipulation of coupling between waveguide and ring resonator in topological photonic crystals[J]. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2022, 136115013. (SCI, , IF 3.382

28. Yue He, Yong-Feng Gao*, Ming Yang, Zhi-Guo Yan, Yi-Han He, Xiao-Fei Qi, Zi-Rui Li. Manipulation of Topological Edge and Corner States in Photonic Kagome Crystals through Different Combinations[J]. Optical Materials, 2023, 140:113830SCI, , IF 3.754)

29. Yi-Han He  Yong-Feng Gao*  Yue He Xiao-Fei Qi Jing-Qi Si  Ming Yang  Shu-Yang Zhou. Realization of edge and corner states in photonic crystals with kagome lattices through topological insulator generators[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2023, 161:109196.SCI, 二区, IF 5.0, Top期刊)


1. 高永锋, 周舒扬, 严志国, 李跃,贺玥, 漆晓飞, 杨明, 孙铭阳, 沙辰阳. 一种光子晶体结构及能够实现与/或逻辑门的拓扑光波导器件. 申请日:2023-12-14,专利号:202311719510.X

2. 高永锋, 贺玥, 严志国, 阿布都西克尔·阿布都克热木, 贺奕涵, 漆晓飞, 周舒扬, 杨明, 孙铭阳, 李永安. 一种能够实现分频和/或分束的拓扑光波导器件及其应用. 申请日:2023-03-06,专利号:202310204348.1

3. 高永锋,贺奕涵,贺玥,贾帅奇,金梦成,阿布都西克尔·阿布都克热木,史天骏,漆晓飞. 一种能够实现波导-腔耦合的拓扑光通信谐振器件.申请日:2022-04-25,专利号:202210438529.6

4. 永锋,贺奕涵,陈卫国,黄光耀, 金梦成, 林昊哲,贺玥, 漆晓飞, 耿帅杰. 一种支持一维拓扑边界态光波导和/或零维拓扑角态光局域的拓扑光通信器件.申请日:2022-02-09,专利号:ZL202210122186.2授权

5. 永锋,金梦成, 阿依加玛丽·麦麦提, 贺奕涵, 贺玥, 漆晓飞, 黄光耀, 林昊哲. 一种能够实现拓扑边界态和/或零维角态的拓扑光通信器件.申请日:2021-11-02 授权日:2022-7-22专利号:ZL202111296850.7授权

6. 高永锋,宋荷, 黄光耀, 金梦成, 孙佳平, 贺奕涵, 钱凯, 阿依加玛丽·麦麦提. 一种具有拓扑保护的光波导器件、分束器及波分器. 申请日:2021-4-26授权日:2022-6-3专利号:ZL202110454886.7授权2

7. 高永锋,金梦成, 周强, 宋荷, 孙佳平, 贺奕涵, 沈博闻, 林昊哲. 一种新型拓扑光子晶体结构及光波导.申请日:2020-12-11, 授权日:2022-6-14专利号:ZL202011436792.9授权1转让

8. 高永锋; 姜震; 周凯; 何柳; 孙佳平; 宋荷; 王力锐 一种基于蜂窝状结构的光子晶体慢光波导. 申请日:2019-4-30授权日:2020-11-3专利号:ZL201910361481.1授权转让

9. 高永锋; 姜震; 刘珅驿; 孙佳平; 宋荷; 何柳; 马全龙; 徐浩 现光子晶体拓扑边界态光子自旋引导机制的光波导. 申请日:2019-4-30授权日:2020-11-3专利号:ZL201910361519.5授权转让

10. 高永锋; 许孝芳; 赵琼华; 熊剑鸣; 张丁月 一种具有非互易性特性的缺陷磁光子晶体及用途. 申请日:2014-11-11,授权日:2017-8-4,专利号:ZL201410633382.1 授权

11. 高永锋; 赵琼华; 顾葆华; 王俊贤; 许孝芳; 陈志勇 一种降低太阳能电池表面反射率的结构. 申请日:2015-02-0,2授权日:2017-1-11,专利号: ZL201510054295.5授权转让

12. 高永锋; 王启汶; 刘鎏; 阿不都西库尔·阿不来提; 王立; 何柳; 冯元会. 一种道路照明用马鞍形LED透镜及LED光源. 申请日:2017-5-23申请号:201710368557.4

13. 高永锋; 张变; 王启汶; 王立松; 熊鹏; 何柳; 朱佳巍; 徐浩. 微型虹膜识别镜头. 申请日:2016-12-9 申请号: 201611129099.0

14. 高永锋; 许孝芳;  一维光子晶体双棱镜缺陷色散分离器. 申请日:2012-5-9,申请号:201210267768.6














高永锋3/12高灵敏度光子晶体传感芯片设计、制造及封装关键技术与应用, 中国商业联合会技术奖, 2020


高永锋1/3),《双棱镜缺陷层一维光子晶体的新型色散特性研究》, 镇江市人民政府,镇江市优秀科技论文奖,一等奖,2013





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